Why You Need a Skilled Tucson Criminal Defense Lawyer on Your Side

When you’re facing criminal charges, it’s essential to understand the gravity of the situation and the potential long-term consequences. We recognize that this can be a daunting experience, and it’s crucial that you take proactive steps to protect your rights and interests. Having a skilled Tucson criminal defense lawyer on your side can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At…

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The Importance of a True COO

The role of a chief operating officer (COO) is to aid and assist the CEO and the general needs of the company. Many of these roles do not have a true job description and rather are tailored to the specific needs of the CEO at that time. There are several different types of COOs, all…

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Why Healthcare Payments Need to be Protected

The recent cyberattack on the clearinghouse of Change Healthcare, which handles half of all US medical claims, brought attention to how vital it is for payer gateway connections to be redundant in the healthcare system. This interruption disrupted 67,000 pharmacies’ billing and impacted 1 in 3 patient records in the United States, with an annual…

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