Education is an extremely important factor for those who are seeking high-paying jobs, as it indicates that an individual has the requisite skills and expertise. The average yearly income of households with at least one college graduate is $40,000 higher than that of households without. On the other hand, adults with less education have a higher likelihood of living in poverty.
Therefore, it is a serious problem that 1.4 million adults in Kentucky do not hold a college degree. 33% of this population have incomplete credits and the other two-thirds have never attended college. This educational disparity runs the danger of escalating labor shortages already present in Kentucky for jobs that require a higher level of education. In order to address this problem, Kentucky wants to raise the percentage of adults with postsecondary qualifications to 60% by 2030.
There are many obstacles that adult learners face when working towards earning their degree. They often have conflicting work and family obligations that make them require a non-traditional class schedule, such as night classes or remote attendance options. Many adult learners also require additional academic support after being out of the classroom for years. Providing additional support for these needs is essential to increasing Kentucky residents’ enrollment in higher education.